On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 02:14:04PM +0800, Thomas Yao wrote:
> I dislike gnome-do and I use synapse on ubuntu with another PC
> So I'm wondering is there any other good desktop search applications?
> Or how can I install synapse on gentoo?
> Thank you!

I've just committed gnome-extra/synapse to the testing tree in portage.
I've also added all of the zeitgeist-related packages to support it. If
you are running ~arch, it should just be a matter of "emerge -av
synapse". If you are on a stable arch, you will have to unmask it first.

There is an optional package called "zeitgeist-datahub" that you may
want to emerge too. While optional, it should give zeitgeist more data
to work with, so you may want to "emerge -av zeitgeist-datahub" too.

Please open a bug at bugs.gentoo.org if you have any issues with it.


Kevin McCarthy <sign...@gentoo.org>

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