On 2 March 2011 16:29, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2011 15:51:54 +0000, Mick wrote:
>> >> This would typically happen in the middle of an emerge, which was
>> >> rather annoying, and/or when updatedb was running.
>> >
>> > At least you could re-run an aborted emerge; when my box hangs it
>> > just stops responding to keyboard and mouse, and the network
>> > interface stops receiving packets so I can't ssh in from another box
>> > to shut it down neatly. It's BRS time.
>> No I couldn't.  :-(
>> The whole system would freeze up, no keyboard, no network, no nothing.
>>  I had to pull the plug every time.
> Not even Alt-SysRq? That's a serious lockup.

Yep, when that box locked up, it didn't do it by half.

> You can still resume a merge after a power down, with
> ebuild /path/to/ebuild merge.

I see ... by path you mean /var/tmp/portage/...  ?

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