Hi there,

I try to start an LDAP-service for managing by eMail-Addresses
centralised on my server. Unfortunately I constantly fail to start
slapd. I tried a lot of documentations I've found on the web, including
Gentoo's non-official doc at


as well as


but to no avail.

The daemon slapd only starts as root and connecting to it via

    ldapadd -f stooges.ldif -xv -D "cn=StoogeAdmin,o=stooges" \
    -h -w secret1

always fails with

    ldap_initialize( ldap:// )
    ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

I suspect something is wrong with my backend database.

Has anybody installed and started OpenLDAP successfully on Gentoo?
I am interested in config files and which components/use flags are

I have installed cyrus-sasl-2.1.23-r1, openldap-2.4.24


     //    Johannes R. Geiss       Zaurus, Pegasos, Amiga and C64 user
 \\ //          PGP at https://pegasos.dnsalias.org/~jgeiss/pgpkey.txt

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