
On Sat, 06 Aug 2005 12:34:58 -0300
Mauro Faccenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an customer that has a website hosted in a chrooted environment
> and want a stats page (hits, origin, etc...) I have access to the apache
> logs but I don't have a shell access, so I was thinking if there is any
> php script that reads the log file and plots a nice web page with those
> stats.
> Or can anyone suggest another solution?

Hm, I don't think using a simple php script would work very reliably.
Parsing the log files can become a heavy task depending on the
logfile's size. So I think it's always the best solution to run the
analyzer from command line.

You could e.g. run the analyzer on a different host where you have
command line access and can run that scripted every night. The
resulting stats pages and graphs can then be synced back to the web-
only server.

Another possibility would be to use desktop programs for the logfile
analysis. I don't know of good free programs here, but at least there
are a few very professional commercial ones.

Both solutions only require access to the logfile which you told you

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