On 13 April 2011 20:52, deadeyes <gvm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:

>> Whether you set NIC priority in the /etc/conf.d/net file or in a post
>> up script, the result is the same.  One NIC will have a higher
>> priority than another for ALL connections.  This is because NICs do
>> not do NATing.  They will send all packets out to the gateway
>> ( and the router at the gateway will determine which
>> packet is forwarded to the Internet and which to the LAN.  So, if you
>> do not want to prioritise one NIC over another, it may be better to
>> use iptables to route LAN packets via a particular NIC instead.
> Great to see this helps someone else as well :)
> @Mick: I am not sure if I fully understand what you mean. Following the 
> routing
> table the most specific route will be used, which is not the default route, 
> but
> the route to the local lan.

*All* routes have to go through the local LAN.  That's where you router is.

Both NICs are in the same subnet ( and use the same
gateway (  Therefore, the only thing that determines
which NIC your packets will go out of is the NIC's metric setting.

In your first email you show eth0 with a higher priority than wlan0.
All connections will go out eth0, unless eth0 goes down for some
reason, or becomes saturated.

> In this case the metric is important as there are
> multiple interfaces with the same network.
> And what do you mean by setting NIC priority (using the metric_eth0 config
> option?) using /etc/conf.d/net or in a post script? Both have different 
> outcomes
> it looks to me.

Both have the same outcome - set priority for your eth0 and wlan0 NICs,

use the same file - /etc/conf.d/net

and set up the same parameter - metric.

The post up script also sets the lo interface to 0 which is the
default anyway.  Unless I misunderstand the file's nomenclature local
stands for Local Loopback ( and by default has
higher priority.

Anyway, that's how I understand this, no doubt some networking guru
will correct me if I got it wrong.

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