On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:27:03AM +0200, Jesús J. Guerrero Botella wrote:
> El día 18 de abril de 2011 00:01, Jesús J. Guerrero Botella
> <jesus.guerrero.bote...@gmail.com> escribió:
> >> Try to reset all shortcuts with:
> >> setxkbmap -option
> >
> > It doesn't change anything. The problem starts in kdm, before loging
> > in, so it's nothing specific to a given user account.
> Oh, I forgot, it is nothing specific to kdm either. What I meant above
> is that it happens since I enter X. Or rather, since this is the
> default behavior in the console, we could more correctly say that it
> *continues* happening when I enter X, where it should not happen.
> I tested the lxde login manager and it has the same problem.

It seems like X didn't switch the keyboard to raw mode or something like
this... The win key on linux console swithes to a previou vt (don't know
if it is intentional, or just a side effect of the kernel not correctly
handling it)

Sometimes, when an app freezes the whole X (usually when it grabs the
keyboard and freezes) I have to use the magic sysrq keys to "unraw" the
keyboard, which means I can that use alt-fX to swtich to text VTs, kill
the app and return to X... however from that moment on until I restart
X, the keyboard is not in raw mode and alt-fX and also the winkey switch
consoles (like you describe)


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