On 1 May 2011 14:09, Alex Schuster <wo...@wonkology.org> wrote:

> Carlos Sura writes:
> > I just have one question, reciently I read in a forum that HAL might be
> > deprecated on Gentoo, so, I started using UDEV:
> >
> > USE=" -hal  udev"
> >
> > But, then I have this problem, updating xorg-server won't work, every
> > new version of xorg-server just give me a blank screen, so I thought it
> > might be something with HAL or UDEV.
> Did you rebuild all xorg modules with emerge @x11-module-rebuild or
> emerge -1 $( qlist -IC x11-drivers/ ) after building xorg-server?
> Are there errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
> > I would like to know if someone could tell me if I should be using HAL
> > or UDEV? I want to know more, differences, etc.
> You should use udev. All versions of xorg-server in the current portage
> tree already no longer have the hal use flag, so I assume HAL is not
> being used at all anyway.
>        Wonko

Hello, thank you for your answers.

That's exactly what I read, every version of xorg-server does not have hal
use flag. That's why I changed to udev.

I'm not sure about using both use flags, but with my current version of
xorg-server  -hal    +udev   everything seems to be working fine, I will
unmask next xorg-server versions, and rebuild xorg modules, I'm almost sure
I did that, but I'm going to try again, and let's see..

Anyway, I'm thinking to keep  "-hal"  and "+udev"

Carlos Sura.-

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