On Saturday 07 May 2011 13:34:04 William Kenworthy wrote:
> I have been using crossdev for the avr toolchain (arduino) successfully
> for a month - but after an upgrade (large number of packages) I am
> getting this:
> /usr/libexec/gcc/avr/ld: crtm328p.o: No such file: No such file or
> directory
> Ive rebuilt/uninstalled/reinstalled the avr toolchain with no success.
> Can someone suggest where to look next?
> The file crtm328p.o does exist in /usr/avr/lib/avr5 along with the other
> arch specific libs.
> I am compiling from within the arduino java gui (from svn).

There was a recent update on python (so you'll need to eselect 2.7 and also 
run python-updater) and I seem to recall a perl update too (in which case 
you'll need to run perl-cleaner).  Don't forget revdep-rebuild of course.


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