On Sat, 14 May 2011 08:42:38 +0200, Coert Waagmeester wrote:

> How can I get X to start up without login straight into XBMC?
> Which (xdm,kdm,etc) should I use for this?
> Or should I just start an xsession with xbmc out of some sort of init
> script?
> On the XBMC forum I have found this link, and will try to get that going
> in the meantime.
> http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=41739

The way I do it on my mythtv frontend is to have this
in /etc/local.d/mythtv.start

/bin/su - mythtv -c "/usr/bin/startx &>/dev/null" &

Then start mythfrontend from ~mythtv/.xinitrc

That way there's no display manager or window manager getting in the way.

Neil Bothwick

Isn't 'Criminal Lawyer' rather redundant?

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