Apparently, though unproven, at 16:12 on Saturday 14 May 2011, Alan Mackenzie 
did opine thusly:

> > The specific files that define the system set are called "packages"
> OK.  Some of these directories have got three parents.  ;-)  The people
> deciding what goes into the "packages"es must have very steady hands.

hehehe :-)

That just means that that part of the profile has three completely different 
aspects to it. Think of it this way (sucked out of my thumb, too lazy to cat 
through files right now):

A desktop profile might want to inherit it's config from the


profiles. This make sense, all three are completely different things and by 
and large won't have conflicting things in them. This saves the devs having to 
maintain 9 different profiles (all combinations of the above) and keep 
everything in sync. With cascading profiles they maintain three simple, easy 
to understand things that (seldom) go fubar

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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