On 05/31/2011 01:31 PM, James wrote:
> Anyone having any problems with VirtualBox and kernel panics?
> I've tried vbox 3 and 4, both with the same behavior. Installing
> Windows 7 as a guest and either (a) my system will completely freeze
> (I'm assuming the kernel panicked), or (b) I'm thinking the Linux raid
> module dies because the system becomes unresponsive (although I can
> open a terminal, the shell doesn't come up, browser freezes, etc.).
> The only fix for both of these problems is a hard reboot.
> I have on idea how to go about troubleshooting this issue. I'd hate to
> open a ticket with the vbox folks until I have more information.
> The only thing I've read online that may be applicable is that there
> have been some issues with kernel panics when you give the guest OS
> more than 1 processor. It would suck badly if SMP didn't work well on
> vbox.
> Thoughts?
> -james

I am running vbox 4.0.8 on

->  emerge --info
Portage (default/linux/amd64/10.0, gcc-4.4.5, libc-0-r0,
2.6.38-gentoo-r6 x86_64)

with only one Win7 VM on a dual core laptop. It works fine and I use CAD
software that only runs on Windows.

What does your VBox.log say?


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