Hi! Sorry for not answering sooner; got sidetracked by other
high-priority job demands...

On 2011-06-01, Florian Philipp <li...@binarywings.net> wrote:
> Am 01.06.2011 03:31, schrieb Adam Carter:
>>     I've been having problems with my Squid-equipped Gentoo box: For some
>>     sites, Squid just times out. But if I access the sites directly, they
>>     appear in my browser. And doing a direct wget from the Squidbox also
>>     works.
>>     Now I'm not sure whose 'fault' it is, but just in case it's Squid's,
>>     I'll experiment with other web proxies.
>> No problems with squid here - why not try troubleshooting?
>> - which version of squid? if arch, have you tried ~arch?
>> - what does the access and error logs say about the sites that fail?
> Or even simpler: Tell us Squid users which site it is so we can check it
> out. Maybe they dislike HTTP-1.1 Via-headers or something similar.
> Regards,
> Florian Philipp

Here's one: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302323.aspx

Pandu E Poluan - IT Optimizer
My website: http://pandu.poluan.info/

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