Hi there,

I currently have a DSL connection with a fixed IP using a DSL router,
with an internal network of 4 computers with private DHCP IPs (except
the server, with fixed private IP). Now I'm considering changing to
another provider with dynamic IPs. I have three domains hosted in my
SOHO server (let's say example1.com, example2.com and example3.com)
including mail for two of them. The questions are:

1. Which dynamic DNS provider do you prefer and why (I would prefer a free one)?
2. Which is the best dynamic DNS client available in Gentoo, taking
into accout that it must be able to discover the DSL router's
dynamically assigned IP and connect with the chosen provider?

I would like to be able to keep my domain names, but using a dynamic
IP DSL connection, this is, I don't want to change to any URL like
example.no-ip.com or example.dyndns.org. So I thought I could just add
some CNAMEs entries to my DNS service (kind of www.example1.com CNAME
example.dyndns.org and mail.example1.com CNAME example.dyndns.org) to
get what I want, but here:


they say the free service doesn't support using your own domain
names... does this mean that you must pay if you want to include your
own domain name in their DNS servers, but the whole CNAME stuff should
work if you have a DNS service available elsewhere? Has anyone ever
tried this?

Thanks in advance, best regards

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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