
> Ognjen Bezanov wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am building a linux AP using a clean installation of gentoo and this
>> howto:
>> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Building_a_Wireless_Access_Point_With_Gentoo
>> Everything was going great until I came to emerging bridge-utils.
>> the actual emerging didnt fail (using "emerge bridge-utils -av") but
>> typing the command brctl it tells me '-bash: brctl: command not found'
>> next I try "whereis brctl", resulting in:
>> brctl: /usr/man/man8/brctl.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/brctl.8.gz
>> ok, so the man files are there, it seems the package was installed. but
>> no binary.
>> Using "find / -name brctl"  i also got nothing.
>> It seems that there is no binary, I have tried emerging again,
>> unmerging, updating and the like, still the same problem.  The emerge
>> itself doesnt fail with the usual "Error..." so I presume thats fine (or
>> am i wrong that
>> emerge would halt on all errors?)
>> Any help appreciated as I am somewhat at a loss as to whats going on.
>> thanks
It's in "/sbin/brctl". Could use 'qfile brctl' to get the package (part
of portage-utils).
Or use "which brctl" as root to get: /sbin/brctl
HTH. Rumen

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