On 07/01/2011 08:49 PM, Adam Carter wrote:
I havent touched the md setup on this box since it was built ~6years
ago, but for the latest kernel/udev i've finally disabled the old IDE
stuff, so the disks will now appear as sda/sdc instead of hda/hdc at
next boot. Will the change be autodetected, or will I need to update a
configuration file? There's no references to the hd devices in /etc...

The system was updated to openrc a while back, and has been restarted
a number of times since then.

What about your grub.conf (or /boot/grub/menu.lst) ?

For example do you have




Only places that grub uses the hd reference are in  lines like:
root (hd0,1)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)

I am not sure if grub version 2 does away with references to hd.

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