On Monday 04 Jul 2011 08:43:48 Alberto Luaces wrote:
> Francisco Ares writes:
> > # mplayer -msglevel all=6 sleeping\ suricates.wmv
>   ^
> That hash suggests that you are running the command as root. Type
> `whoami' to make sure.

Unless Francisco has changed his prompt to confuse us all?!  :-)

Either way, from what mentioned so far I don't think there is anything wrong 
with mplayer.  Running applications as root confuses matters and can give 
errors not related to running the application as a plain user (which is how it 
should run at all times anyway).

The buffering error however, which you have not shown verbatim, could well be 
related to very high bufferring limit and or a slow connection (if this is 
occurring when you are trying to stream videos - you haven't said).

Can you increase smplayer/mplayer's verbosity in the log and show the exact 
error that comes up when being run as a plain user?

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