On 12 August 2005 02:40, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-08-11 at 20:40 +0100, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> > Case 5:
> > I log into B and sftp into A. It sits there for about 10 seconds before
> > presenting me with a password prompt. ???? After, I get transfer rates
> > close to case 2 and case 3, just the other way round.
> The issues with the slow logon is most likely due to some DNS lookups or
> something. I've had this before, (can't remember what happened but
> managed to fix it).
> I believe your SSH sessions will also be hung for 10 secs?

Yup, the delay occurs with both ssh and sftp.

Has nothing to do with DNS. It also occurs when using IP addresses.


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