Stroller <stroller <at>> writes:

> Hope this makes sense. Not a criticism of you, and 
> thanks for trying to be helpful.


I do not even own a PS3. If firmware can be replaced, then
I see no ethical issue in replacing the firmware; after all
it's your hardware and I assume you did not sign a document
saying that you would not upgrade the firmware.

Pirating and such are not my venue either. Staying in Sony's
good graces so as to stay active on their network, is
a personal decision, and I respect that you know what you
want. Furthermore, if you like those vendor provided games
and services, then paying for them is an excellent way
to ensure that software development market maintains
top programming talent and aggressive competition; healthy
no matter how the dollars are sliced up.

Running linux/gentoo on as many different hardware platforms,
as possible, for me, is a kick in the pants every time....
So  I'm a strong advocate that all hardware should be allowed
to be customized (via linux etc), as the current owner desires.
This extends the life of hardware and provides an excellent learning
opportunity us all.



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