On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:54:09AM -0500, Dale wrote:

> Just picking a post to reply here and it may have a good point.  I
> was browsing around to see what software I had for my UPS.  I
> thought I would download the thing, untar it and just check out the
> README file to see what would be involved in installing it on my
> rig.  It was a tarball so nothing video related or flash related
> either.  It also didn't use the little download helper tool I been
> using either.  I clicked on the link to download and the window
> popped up to ask me whether to open it or save it.  I selected to
> save it as I have done countless times before.  As soon as I clicked
> that, the window popped up asking where to save it to then kernel
> panic.  This was in Seamonkey.
> Could this be a network card/driver issue?  I have had no problems
> so far with emerge downloading anything from the command line.  I'm
> going to test this by deleting the tarballs for OOo and then
> fetching them again.  If it doesn't crash, then maybe it is
> something related to HOW Seamonkey and Firefox access the net.  If
> it does crash, then maybe I need a new network card.

I can't believe any userland tool like a navigator could make the whole
system crash. It's much deeper than that in the system.  Again, it's
likely to be a driver issue.

You could test your network card by doing a lot of traffic on it (on the
LAN to give you better chance to catch any issue), X stopped.

Next, you could test X (even mouse and keyboard) by playing some games
or whatever you don't do usual.

But at *FIRST* as it looks like you didn't do it yet, you have to

  _check your logs_.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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