On 07/22/11 23:07, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 6:53 PM, CJoeB <colleen.bea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Because this will be a new computer and I may essentially void the
>> warranty if I alter the pre-configuration, I seriously thought about
>> leaving the status quo and putting up with Windows 7.
>> What would you recommend that I used for the iso an stage 3?  As a
>> reminder my computer is a Dell XPS 8300 with an Intel Core -i7-2600
>> processor.  I'm a little confused between the choices x86 (which seems
>> to only apply to Pentium 4 systems and only utilizes 32-bit processing),
>> amd64 and ia64.
>> Regards,
>> Colleen
>> --
>> Registered Linux User #411143 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org
> Hi Colleen,
>    I'm not sure I understand the warranty issue so take this with a
> grain of salt but most of the pre-configured Windows machines I've
> received in the last couple of years had some disk space left over
> outside  of the Windows C drive. I'm sure you could install Gentoo on
> one of those and not void anything, assuming you have one.
The thing is, I don't want Windows on the computer at all.  My laptop is
4 years old and it was booted into Windows once and that was only
because I didn't hit the F2 key fast enough to get into the bios to
change the boot order.  Then, Windows got removed completely.

The computer I am getting is a desktop for home use and everything I
need is in Linux.  I don't want to have to put up with all the "pain in
the ass" stuff Windows puts you through.  I have to put up with Windows
all day at work and it's like a breath of fresh air when I can come home
to my Linux system.
>    William's comment about running Gentoo in a VM is very valid.
I've never installed a virtual machine so wouldn't even know how to go
about it.
>    There really aren't any specific 64-bit things I'm aware of that
> you need to choose. It's all pretty generic these days, at least with
> the Intel processors. I've not used an AMD processor in a while. Boot
> from pretty much any Linux Live CD and then do the stage 3 install and
> you should be fine. ia64 isn't TTBOMK knowledge something you need to
> pay attention to. All my Intel i5 & i7 machines are amd64 stable with
> a few ~amd64 packages.
So, if I choose the amd64 iso and Stage 3, it doesn't have to be on an
AMD machine?
>    One note about the Sandy Bridge processor is reight now it does
> require a specific CFLAG setting to get everything to build correctly
> due to a gcc bug.

So how do I know if it's a Sandy Bridge processor?  Nothing in the specs
that I read says it's anything more than and Intel i-7.
>    As for any other distro, once you use Gentoo you won't be happy
> elsewhere. ;-) Stick with Gentoo, most especially since you have all
> the hardware power you need to build code at world class speed.

I *have* tried other distros - first Redhat, then Fedora, then Kubuntu
and you're right ... I wouldn't be happy with anything but Gentoo!  I
started my Linux journey in 2000, went to Gentoo in 2004 and have always
been happy with it.

The question is not really whether I will install Gentoo, but more about
choosing the correct iso and Stage 3 because I don't want to get into a
pickle that I can't handle.




Registered Linux User #411143 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org

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