* Florian Philipp <li...@binarywings.net> wrote:

> However, what you want can still be done without touching the ebuilds
> because it would really just be an alias for `emerge --one-shot
> <new_alternative> && emerge --depclean <old_alternative> &&
> revdep-rebuild` (in the easiest, non-blocking case).

No, this isn't enough. I want an stable method which never leaves
the system in an inconsistent state. When revdep-rebuild is required,
there's normally a period of time where some installed packages are
broken (okay, preserved-libs makes it better), exactly what I never
want on a productive system.

> I personally wouldn't want to automate this. The problem is that
> different virtuals need different switching strategies. Converting from
> jpeg to jpeg-turbo is relatively straight-forward. Switching between
> httpd-basic implementations, on the other hand, needs manual work to
> carry over config files and such.

I didn't intend to do this fully automatic, for all virtuals.
Just a bunch of special ones which just handle the scenarios of
exchanging libraries (also on different/incompatible ABIs).
> Maybe it would be a better idea to teach emerge to warn the user when a
> default virtual implementation is about to be installed and show the
> different alternatives. Similarly emerge --sync or eix-sync could inform
> the user when a new alternative package for an already installed virtual
> is available.

Indeed, that would be a good feature.

> Isn't that problem resolved in portage-2.2 by keeping the old library
> file around until all packages have been re-emerged?

The preserve-libs stuff ? I'm not sure how it actually works under the
hood, but as far as I can see it, it's just done for certain critical
libs yet (eg. openssl), and the package manager doesn't know much of it,
just keeps certain files around. So manual revdep-rebuild runs and
removals of old libs is still required.

 Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service -- http://www.metux.de/

 phone:  +49 36207 519931  email: weig...@metux.de
 mobile: +49 151 27565287  icq:   210169427         skype: nekrad666
 Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme

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