On Monday 01 Aug 2011 21:38:41 Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> 2011/8/1 José Romildo Malaquias <j.romi...@gmail.com>:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > I have two network interfaces on my notebook: one wired (eth0) and one
> > wireless (wlan0). I am running ~amd64 on it.
> > 
> > I want two gentoo boot entries in grub: one (the default softlevel)
> > which starts wired networking (and not wireless), and another that
> > starts the wireless network (and not the wired).
> > 
> > For the later I have created a new softlevel named wireless, with all
> > services from default, except net.eth0. The default has net.eth0, but
> > not net.wlan0. Booting with default works as expected, but booting with
> > wireless starts both interfaces.
> > 
> > In /etc/rc.conf I have the lines:
> > 
> >  rc_depend_strict="NO"
> >  rc_hotplug="!net*"
> > 
> > Any clues?
> This is for a laptop? Do you use a desktop environment? If that's the
> case, why don't you use NetworkManager or ConnMan, and forget about
> having to do black script magic to set up your network dynamically?
> I'm genuinely curious, I just want to understand why someone would go
> through the pain of something like this, when there are several tools
> already that just work automatically.
> In my laptop I use NetworkManager, and besides I suspend all the time.
> I've been in five different countries the last month and a half, and
> I've been connecting to different networks all the time (wireless and
> wired), and NetworkManager just works. I don't have to do anything,
> just plug the ethernet cable or select the wireless network, set the
> WEP/WPA key, and that's it.
> Maybe you have a really wild or weird use case, but then I'm really
> curious: Why do you want yo set up a different softlevel just to
> change between wired and wireless networks?

sys-apps/ifplugd will bring up eth0 only if a cable is plugged in.


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