On 2011-08-12 05:28, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:

> Is it possible, the jack goes crazy when seeing six cores running
> in 64bit mode???

As Michael mentions (in his reply to this mail), it works for him so it
should work for you unless your configs (kernel + possible USE flags).
Perhaps you can compare? But, have you tried starting jackd from
qjackctl, as this mentions?:

Also, did you read through the entire howto?:
There seems to be a few steps you need to take before installing
jack-audio-connection-kit (kernel configs etc.).

> Memory locking is unlimited - this is dangerous. You should probably alter 
> the line:
>      @audio   -  memlock    unlimited
> in your /etc/limits.conf to read:
>      @audio   -  memlock    6138036
Perhaps you should follow this advice as well (after jackd is working
for you)...

> jackd watchdog: timeout - killing jackd

Well, jackd is obviously waiting for something (I have no idea what).
Have you tried to run it without the -R (realtime) switch? Since I'm not
using jack I'm probably not much of help...


Peter K

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