On 15/08/11 16:43, Andy Wilkinson wrote:
> I am trying to emerge librecad-1.0.0_rc1 from the science overlay;
> however, it appears to be missing some crucial steps (silly things like
> "fetching the source" and "building the program").  The output from
> emerge borders on trivial:
> http://pastebin.com/1HN9x299
> Since that doesn't look very helpful, I also tried emerging with --debug.
> http://pastebin.com/ZcGnxhyc
> Unfortunately, I'm not practiced enough at reading this (nor educated
> enough in how ebuilds work internally) to really read through that.
> Any ideas why this ebuild is essentially doing nothing?
> Thanks,
> -Andy

Please sync the overlay. I fixed everything in version _rc2. If it
doesn't work, please report again.


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