Am Sonntag 21 August 2011, 18:12:00 schrieb Nikos Chantziaras:
> On 08/21/2011 02:19 PM, Francesco Talamona wrote:
> >  I wish yours it's not a RAM
> > 
> > issue, it could be tricky to spot, because memtest is not putting any
> > load to the machine, so it's very useful when it reports error, but when
> > it doesn't you can't be sure if RAM modules are in good health.
> CPU load doesn't affect RAM errors.  CPU load affects CPU errors.  If
> you only get RAM errors during heavy load, the RAM is just fine, but
> your CPU has a fault.

or you have a faulty psu that is not able to deliver clean current and stable 
voltages as soon as the load goes up. 


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