On Sunday 21 August 2011 14:53:15 Joost Roeleveld wrote:

> That would help as I'm planning on setting this up myself as well for my
> netbook.

Right. I have two Konsoles open on my workstation, which is the compilation 
host. In one I "su -" and in the 
other I "ssh serv" (this is the client Atom box, which among other things runs 
http-replicator to serve the 
portage tree to the LAN). Naming is going to get confusing if I'm not careful, 
so I'll refer to the ssh session as 
"Atom" and the compilation host as "Host". Then my steps are:

Host:   # /etc/init.d/atom start        (this is the script I showed yesterday)
                # linux32 chroot /mnt/atom /bin/bash
                # env-update && . /etc/profile

Atom:   $ sudo emerge --sync && sudo eix-update

Host:   # emerge --sync && emerge -auvD -j 5 --changed-use --keep-going world

Atom:   $ sudo emerge -auDkv --jobs=3 --changed-use --with-bdeps y --keep-going 

Host:   (various clean-up operations such as depclean, eclean and localepurge)
                # exit
                # /etc/init.d/atom stop

Atom:   (similar cleaning up)
                $ exit

That's it as far as I remember.

> Is there a way to automate the steps inside the chroot without having to
> have a script inside the chroot?

I'd be reluctant to try to automate it any more than this. It's about as simple 
to use as can be and as I want it. 
I've set up aliases for most of those long commands to save my wrists, and of 
course command-line recall is 
wonderful. The task that takes longest is portage on the Atom calculating what 
packages it needs to emerge 

I try not to forget to copy any USE-flag changes etc between the Atom and the 
chroot, but of course I'm no 
more than human.

Peter           Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23

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