Dale writes:

> Alex Schuster wrote:
> > David W Noon writes:
> >
> >> The more I think about this merge of / and /usr, the dumber I think
> >> the idea is.  As I wrote in an earlier message on this list, the
> >> initramfs will be many times larger than the kernel itself.  Indeed,
> >> my /boot partition is only 32 MiB, and that will be too small to
> >> contain all the extra libraries and programs to run the initramfs
> >> script.
> > Here, I only need 2.2 M for the kernel, 1.7 M for System.map, and 3.5
> > M for the initramfs.

> Well, that may not be the case for everyone else.

Sure, but how much bigger are your kernels actually?

> root@fireball / # du -shc /boot/
> 84M     /boot/
> 84M     total
> root@fireball / #

I get 82M, but I have ten kernels in there. What stuff do you have
in /boot?


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