On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 13:11 +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 20:58:54 -0400
> Paul Hoy wrote:
> > Coincidently, I received a bunch of Fedora 3 & 4 email
> > updates earlier today, which shows that Gentoo is behind 23 out of 24 of
> > the updates, some of them quite significantly. Most of them are
> > KDE-related files,
> That confirms my thoughts (which i posted yesterday).
> So can you clarify, is that 23/24 packages are behind on x86 or on ~x86?
> i.e. would an ~x86 gentoo be ahead or behind fedora?

My original email was 23/24 packages for x86. However, after reading
your email, I compared the first 10 kde updates with ~x86 releases. It
came out that Fedora was ahead 50 percent of the time or both distros
shared the same release versions. In case I'm doing something
incorrectly, you can also view the updates at

Of course, this new comparison is between testing releases and so-called
stable Fedora releases. There is a Fedora extras/unstable list (Fedora
Core 4 Testing Updates) for that, but I don't receive that one. It also
should be noted that the updates I listed happen to be mostly for Fedora
3, not Fedora 4. I compared some Fedora 4 releases the other day and
shared them with this list and Fedora was ahead 90 percent of the time
(out of about 10 recent release comparisons).

Finally, after doing a ~x86 compare, I noticed that fedora-announce-list
is slow to announce updates as most of the actual updates took place
around the beginning of August by Redhat people. Not sure why that is.


> -- 

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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