William Kenworthy wrote:
On Fri, 2011-09-16 at 19:06 -0500, Dale wrote:
Neil Bothwick wrote:
I did name it pretty well. It is called "test" right now. lol Right now, I'm just having fun. The biggest difference so far is that I can see with my new glasses. I just wish I didn't have arthritis in my neck and could move my head better. It's hard to switch between normal and the bifocal thingys.
try multifocal - makes stairs ... fun.

It was night time and I was walking. I decided to walk through the garden which means crossing the ditch. Let's just say that first step was fun. When I looked at the ground, I was looking through the reading part. I found out it was deeper than my eyes said.

I'm getting this LVM thing down pat tho.

cfdisk to create partitions, if not using the whole drive.
then put on a file system and mount.

I still get them confused as to what comes first but I got some pictures
to look at now.  That helps to picture what I am doing, sort of.

Thanks to all for the advice tho.  It's helping.  Still nervous about /
on LVM tho.  :/


:-)  :-)

I'll second the recommendation about naming ... I use separate
partitions and lvm on everything except root (for recovery reasons) and
small single drive systems ... been a real saver when partitions fill up
or when a system is re-purposed and you have to change the storage
profile .  Make sure every lvm you use is uniquely named ... I am just
going through retrieving drives from two older (both lvm) systems and
pushing them into a single storage (and everything else) sever, also

Make sure if you remove a drive and dont intend using it immediately,
delete the lvm data to prevent future grief ... it can happen at home as
well as in data centres :)


Should I include the drive itself? Like sda, sdb etc. I could use my system name too. I'm on fireball and my older rig is named smoker. See a trend here? lol Anyway, this could work:


That would keep things straight I would think.  Thoughts?

If I do move one tho, I would likely erase the LVM stuff anyway. This rig is amd64 and my old rig is x86. It's not like I can move one to the other. Plus, smoker is IDE and fireball is SATA. I do have one IDE connector in fireball and a SATA card in smoker tho. It could happen.

Jeepers, this could turn into a full blown meeting of the minds.  O_O


:-)  :-)

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