On Mon, Sep 19 2011, Paul Hartman wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>> OK.  But the claim was that: if
>>   revdep-rebuild
>> with no argument found nothing to build, then
>>   revdep-rebuild --library <some-library>
>> will find nothing.
> I think what everyone (except Michael S) seems to be confused about is:
> Normal revdep-rebuild (with no options) looks for broken shared
> library dependencies and rebuilds them. If you run it again, it won't
> rebuild anything, because the dependency has been fixed.
> Using the --library switch, however, it looks for everything built
> against that library, regardless of whether or not the dependency is
> broken, and rebuilds it. If you run this command 10 times in a row
> it'll rebuild the same libraries 10 times.
> Presumably, there are cases (like libpng) when it is desirable to
> rebuild dependencies but they aren't "broken" in the way that
> revdep-rebuild normally can detect. So using --library will
> brute-force rebuild everything that depends on that library, just to
> make sure they are built against the new version.
> Moral of the story; if an ebuild tells you to revdep-rebuild
> --library, do it. :)

Thanks for the clarification.

When revdep-rebuild --library is suggested should we run it
before or after the ordinary revdep-rebuild that we typically
run after each update world?
(That was actually my original question :-)


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