On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Harry <hputn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How can one tell how far along a kernel compile is?  I can see the modules 
> being
> built in /var/log/genkernel.log
>   (Aside: Please, no hysteria about using genkernel)
> But I'd like to know of some way to guesstimate how much of the process is
> completed.  Is there a list the compile has generated and is following 
> somewhere
> under /usr/src/linux? Or some other way of knowing where the compile is in 
> terms
> of percentage completed?

All I can think of is: time it. Maybe you can create a wrapper script
to time it, record times (for successful builds only) and measure
progress based on estimated time remaining. Kind of like what genlop
does with emerge logs.

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