On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 02:21:24 +0200, Daniel Vrcic wrote:

> For one-time use you can do the following:
> # export PATH=/usr/qt/3/bin:$PATH
> Then you can compile your program from the same terminal you typed the
> command above.
> For long-term use you should add that command to your shell's
> configuration file. If your shell is bash (default) then that conf. file
> will be $HOME/.bashrc .

This should already be set up when you installed qt.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cat /etc/env.d/45qt3

System wide paths should be put in /etc/env.d, don't forget to run
etc-update after doing so.

Neil Bothwick

He's dead, Jim. Just like your career.

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