On 2011-10-30, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 3) I tried handbrake which requires using an overlay.

No, it doesn't.  You can just grab the ebuild file and use it locally.

> Handbrake goes directly from DVD to a reasonably sized (1.3GB) m4v
> file. That file plays fine in xine and looks very good. Being that the
> Kindle Fire only has about 6GB available for user content that gives
> me 4 movies at a time which is fine for me but I suspect I can do
> better.

Smaller will generally mean worse looking and longer encoding time.

> My issue now (I think) is to learn to use ffmpeg to convert from m4v
> to mp4.

You don't need ffmpeg.  You just need "mv":

 mv foo.m4v foo.mp4

> I'd like to see about reducing the file size a bit if
> possible. At the same time the native resolution of the Fire is
> 1024x600 so I'm wondering about whether I can make the movies look
> better by making the mp4 file somehow know about that size.

If you mean you want the files encoded at a resolution of 1024x600,
you can tell handbrake what output resolution you want.  You'll get
far better results by encoding to the desired resolution, format and
bit-rate you want the first time than you will re-encoding a second

You can create your own presets with whatever encoding settings you

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! World War III?
                                  at               No thanks!

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