On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Alan Mackenzie <a...@muc.de> wrote:
> Hi, Gentoo!
> On my PC's audio, whilst playing CDs, with all volume settings maxed out,
> the volume can't be said to be louder than "comfortable and sensible".
> In quiet passages, the music gets drowned out by the noise of the power
> supply.  I know from plugging in my iPod that the loudspeakers are
> capable of much more.
> The three volume controls up at full are (i) the one in aqualung; (ii)
> the one in alsamixer; (iii) the physical control on the right speaker.
> Surely I can get more volume, somehow.  Could somebody please suggest
> how.  TIA

Check that PA isn't getting in the way somewhere.

Try using a different media player. See if you can find out if the
files' ReplayGain feature is or is not involved.

Check that you're outputting to the correct audio sink; I've had cases
where I *thought* things were working, but really quiet, and it turned
out that crosstalk was the only reason I was hearing anything.


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