On 04.11.2011 14:18, Michael Mol wrote:
> We use Openfire and Asterisk at work. I wasn't aware they could be
> integrated, though.
> Meanwhile, each independently is great.
While i agree that asterisk is great i really think that openfire is "a
hell of a jabber server"... While ejabberd runs as erlang script,
openfire is written in java which makes it depend on a actual vm with
all it's disadvantages (slow, memory overhead, ...). Even if the
configuration via Webinterface is really easy and comfortable, you have
at least 10-20 features you don't and even will never need...

ejabberd is a jabber-server. not more not less and runs with way less
memory and io...

But i can't understand why there aren't any native (aka. compiled)
jabber-servers, at least some that have actual releases...


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