Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:

> Tom Eastman wrote:
> I'm not sure, but mounting the whole hda as loopback could work (seem
> to remember a thread about this some time ago on the list, search the
> archives).
> In case it does not, try this. Since the real partitions usually start
> at the second sector (the first being the MBR that holds the
> bootloader and the partition table), I guess (iff the hard disk had
> only one partition taking all the space) you can extract only the
> hda1 partition by dd'ing the file onto another one but this time
> skipping the first sector, ie something like
> dd if=hda.img of=hda1.img bs=512 skip=1
> or so.
> Hope this works.

Thanks, I managed to solve it a different way in the end :-)  I loaded up my
own physical NTFS partition in a hex viewer, and looked at what byte
sequence was right at the start of the partition, then I opened the disk
image and searched for that same byte sequence in the file :-)

Having found it (at the 32,256th byte) I was able to use 'losetup -o 32256'
to offset the loopback device, and the partition loaded up without a hitch!

Thanks for your help!


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