
 Following the debates over the summer, about plans to require an initramfs
for udev, I put together a slightly different approach using the dependency
tracking in openrc. It's outlined (in Unsupported Software) at:
and consists of a couple of simple patches to the initscripts for udev and
udev-mount, supporting a new initramfs option (defaults to "yes") in 
udev.conf. I've been using it on my desktop at home for a couple of months
now and it works like a charm here. As ever, YMMV.

As I state in the post:
This is only for people who know they have all the modules built-in the 
kernel to mount local filesystems, have a separate /usr and/or /var, and are 
happy with their current setups, apart from possible future issues with udev 
starting before localmount, and find the requirement for an initramfs 
sufficiently annoying to tweak their setups, *and* are willing to deal with 
keeping the lines in the initscripts during etc-updates. 

This is on stable udev (164-r2.) I'm not running unstable, so be careful if
you are, and let us know if there are any changes needed. You can get in 
touch on IRC, or via the forum post.

#friendly-coders -- We're friendly, but we're not /that/ friendly ;-)

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