> On Nov 8, 2011 3:47 AM, "Scott Stevenson" <sc...@scottstvnsn.com> wrote:
>> On 08/11/11 at 08:19 AM, Pandu Poluan wrote:
>> > That said, reverting to plain diff will cause me to lose colorization,
>> > Hmmm... time to whup up some vim syntax script, then...
>> I don't use vimpager, but is it not possible to just issue set
>> filetype=diff from within for syntax highlighting? Also upon further
>> inspection, vimpager >= 1.4.2 should filter out escape sequences [1] so
>> you may want to update if you're running an older version.
>> [1] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1723
On Nov 9, 2011 12:02 AM, "Srdjan Rakic" <srk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually I didn't lose colors.  It seems like colordiff is not needed if
you use vimpager as vimpager itself colorize output.

Ah, thanks for the info! I'm going to revert to plain old diff then :-)


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