On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 06:13:34 -0500, Philip Webb wrote:

> > It is difficult to say what is wrong with your alias
> > as you haven't shown it  
>   alias th='date -d @$1'
> was the first try, then adding '+' &/or '\' to escape '+' or '@'.
> I also tried a function along similar lines.
> > but my guess is that is is introducing a space
> > between @ and the timestamp, which gives exactly the error you get.  
> No, no spaces.

You invoke it as 'alias argument', so there is a space between the alias
and the argument and this space is included when the alias is expanded.
Otherwise aliases like ll='ls -l' would not work as 'll /mnt' would be
expanded to 'ls -l/mnt'.

Neil Bothwick

My brain's in gear, neutral's a gear ain't it?

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