On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 22:46:29 +0000
Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday 15 Nov 2011 21:36:14 Florian Philipp wrote:
> > Am 15.11.2011 20:39, schrieb Mick:
> > > Thankfully this didn't happen on my machine, but I have to fix
> > > this all the same ...
> > > 
> > > Is it possible to press F5 (the user thought that this would just
> > > refresh the content) while in the Kmail address book and as a
> > > result all but the current contact being deleted?
> > 
> > Nope, not here. Besides, F5 really is set to Refresh. I also cannot
> > find another shortkey for this and I doubt anyone would waste time
> > to implement it.
> Thanks for checking this.  Are you using std.vcf or the Kmail
> 'Personal Contacts' storage for your address book?
> The kaddressbook that was hosed with pressing F5 was in std.vcf.  I'm
> not sure I understand the difference between these two akonadi
> resources, other than that the std.vcf is the old KDE format
> under .kde4/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf, while the Personal Contacts
> seems to be stored under .local.share/akonadi/ ).

Yes, that's how it works - same kind of stuff in a different place.

There is something you must completely understand about current kdepim,
if you don't realize this you will suffer endless pain:

The developers are trying to be cute and clever and show off how l33t
they are. As a result, they break things. Badly.

As an example, there are warnings in .local.share/akonadi/ that you
must not manipulate a certain directory manually, as it is managed by
akonadi. It is totally possible that you made manual changes
(reasonable thing to do actually) and that F5 refreshes the address list
from whatever magic bullshit mechanism akonadi has going and just
trashed the address list changes you made. Yes, those devs have done
insane things of that order and released that code.

I'm not saying this is your problem or even that it still is that way -
I haven't used kdepim since version 4.4 when I spotted it was a classic
"second big project". As with all things, do your homework, see if the
code suits your needs, ymmv. 

Alan McKinnnon

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