The 23/11/11, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 10:17:07 +0100
> Nicolas Sebrecht <> wrote:

> > You're wrong. Using the virtualbox module means you turn the kernel to
> > "tained crap" because of the number of problems it causes, including
> > random memory curruption.
> Care to back that up with something resembling evidence?
> EVERY out-of-tree module will taint the kernel.

But not all virtualization solutions use out-of-tree module and from
those coming out-of-tree, few are taint as "crap".

>                                                 As to whether it
> deserves the "crap" moniker is a matter of opinion

...I'd rather say a matter of facts. :-)

Every one is free to support virtualbox but forgetting to talk about
this taint level is not very fair, FMPOV.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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