On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> In the last day or two wicd broke badly due to a net-tools upgrade.
> The recommended workarounds are to specify USE=old-output
> for net-tools or to downgrade net-tools one version (I am ~amd64).
> Neither of these have helped me.  Wicd cannot start either the
> wired or wireless interface.
> When I type
> killall dhcpd; dhcpd
> Both networks come up but the wireless gets many errors (as reported
> by ifconfig).  Also sometimes the network goes down again.
> Two days ago both networks were solid.
> Another machine that I was in the process of bringing up (gentoo fully
> installed from the handbook, but many utilities not yet done) also fails
> under wicd today (worked fine two days ago).  For this machine
> killall dhcp; dhcp
> reports that "no interfaces have a carrier"
> The machine is 10 feet from the router/wap (linksys) and again
> all was well 2 days ago.
> Help would be very much appreciated.
> thanks,
> allan
> PS I couldn't connect yesterday and today, the new gnome (3.2) hit
> testing.  Since I don't want to bite that big, potentially disruptive
> update with this network problem (the overlay version failed for me), I
> have not done an update world for 2 or 3 days.

Not to be too glib but isn't this sort of problem exactly what the
whole stable vs ~amd64 decision is really all about?

Anyway, my machines are stable with a few ~amd64 entries in
package.keywords. I don't keyword either of these packages and I have
wicd-1.7.1_beta2-r4 & net-tools-1.60_p20110409135728 on my laptop.
Both wireless & wired come up fine here.

I have dhcpd on the machine but I don't run it.

Not exactly sure how any of that will help you but I'm fully up to
date as of today and everything seems to be working fine.

- Mark

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