On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:54 PM, Pandu Poluan <pa...@poluan.info> wrote:
> On Nov 28, 2011 6:24 AM, "Neil Bothwick" <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 00:56:17 +0700, Pandu Poluan wrote:
>> > I don't know where the 'blame' lies, but I've found myself
>> > standardizing on MAKEOPTS=-j3, and PORTAGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--jobs
>> > --load-average=<1.6*num_of_vCPU>"
>> >
>> > (Yes, no explicit number of jobs. The newer portages are smart enough to
>> > keep starting new jobs until the load number is reached)
>> The problem I found with that is the ebuilds load the system lightly to
>> start with, before they enter the compile phase, to portage starts dozens
>> of parallel ebuilds, then the system gets completely bogged down when
>> they start compiling.
> Yes, sometimes that would happen if at the beginning there are network-bound
> ebuilds all downloading their respective distfiles. The load stays low until
> they all start ./configure-ing roughly at the same time. Then all hell
> breaks loose.
> I successfully mitigate such "load-explosion" by doing a --fetchonly step
> first, and keeping MAKEOPTS at low -j (which, in my case, is actually
> required).
> Just to add more info: I use USE=graphite (with some CFLAGS, uh,
> 'enhancements') with gcc-4.5.3. IIRC, I could push MAKEOPTS up to -j5 (and
> even more, but I ran out of cores) when I was still using gcc-4.4.x and no
> USE=graphite.
> Won't file a bug report, though. I have a feeling that my bug report re:
> emerge failure will be marked WONTFIX thanks to the 'ricer special' CFLAGS

As I noted, "-l" in MAKEOPTS takes care of the load explosion very nicely.

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