Michael Mol wrote:
on my partial ~amd64 system, I have googletalk-plugin installed, and
it serves me well. On my new box (also partial ~amd64, but far more in
the stable realm than unstable realm), I tried to emerge
googletalk-plugin, and it's masked. It's also a '9999' version
package. I vaguely recall that '9999' packages are special somehow.
How is that?

I think those are called the live builds. Basically, they are not tested much and are really close to falling off the bleeding edge. I rarely mess with those. There is a google-talkplugin- that is not live but keyworded. If it was me, I would at least try that version first. It is likely tested a bit more, not going to change so often and be stable as it gets in the unstable branch of the tree. If that fails, go back to the older version. If neither works, then I would try to 9999 build. I'd also cross my fingers for good measure.


:-)  :-)

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you interpreted my words!

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