James wrote:

Richard Fish <bigfish <at> asmallpond.org> writes:

You can check your current style/theme at:

~ > grep CurrentTheme .kde3.4/share/config/kcmthememanagerrc

Oddly, this file is not present on my system. Here's the listing:
ls .kde3.4/share/config/kcm*
.kde3.4/share/config/kcmartsrc        .kde3.4/share/config/kcminputrc
.kde3.4/share/config/kcmaudiocdrc     .kde3.4/share/config/kcmkresourcesrc
.kde3.4/share/config/kcmbellrc        .kde3.4/share/config/kcmlaptoprc
.kde3.4/share/config/kcmcddbrc        .kde3.4/share/config/kcmmidirc
.kde3.4/share/config/kcmdisplayrc     .kde3.4/share/config/kcmnspluginrc
.kde3.4/share/config/kcmfontinstuirc  .kde3.4/share/config/kcmshellrc

~ > grep widgetStyle .kde3.4/share/config/kdeglobals

Even more strange, I have this file, but there is nothing
that matches even a substring of widget 'idget'

the only substring matches I get are for 'Style'
View Style=Simple

Also, I did some more checking. I do not have the gtk-alternative-button-order setting in .kde3.4/share/config/gtkrc file, but it *is* in my .kde3.4/.../gtkrc-2.0 file. Coincidentally, my USE flags for ethereal specify gtk2.0:

carcharias rjf # emerge -Dv --pretend ethereal
[ebuild R ] net-analyzer/ethereal-0.10.12 -adns -gtk +gtk2 +ipv6 -kerberos -snmp +ssl 0 kB

Are you building ethereal against gtk1.2 or gtk2.0?

emerge -Dv --pretend ethereal <reveals>

[ebuild   R   ] net-analyzer/ethereal-0.10.12  -adns -gtk +gtk2 +ipv6 -kerberos
-snmp +ssl 0 kB


Very strange...at this point, I would suggest logout of kde, move .kde3.4 to .kde3.4.old, and login again. Everything will be set back to KDE defaults, so you can try ethereal again and see if you have the same problem.


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