On Sun, 4 Dec 2011 17:47:40 +0100
meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:

> Hi,
> how can I permanently and for all times and resistant against all kind
> of updates disable the function cleanup_tmp_dir() in
> /etc/init.d/bootmisc and similiar function, which automatically kill
> files???

In /etc/conf.d/bootmisc:

# List of /tmp directories we should clean up

# Should we wipe the tmp paths completely or just selectively remove
known # locks / files / etc... ?

Set those variables to suit your needs.

But one must ask, why? The whole point of /tmp is a scratch pad temp
dir where files are not expected to survive past successive invocations
of the same program and are definitely not expected to survive a
reboot. If this is an issue for you, something is wrong with the code
you run and you should reconfigure that code to use something other
than /tmp.

To the best of my knowledge bootmisc only ever runs in the first
startup after a reboot.

Alan McKinnnon

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