I am having a problem connecting an ipad via ssl to a gentoo courier
imap ssl server.  Its working fine with gentoo/evolution but I get a
segfault in the server when the ipad tries to connect:

couriertls[12283]: segfault at ec9c78e ip 4c144feb sp bf95557c error 4
in libc-2.12.2.so[4bfff000+183000]

Ive rebuilt most of the packages involved and getting nowhere.  Can an
ipad use a courier imap server over ssl?  Theer are a lot of bugs over
the years for both courier and apple IOS and the only solution Ive seen
thats said to work is turn off ssl.  The ipad does work fine without

I am currently travelling and my laptop works fine over ssl and also via
an openvpn connection which software is apparently not available for the

Can anyone offer a solution - even some way to set a static route on the
ipad to connect to the tunnel running on the laptop would work.  I have
used RIP from the router to tell the ipad the routes in the past - but I
dont have access to the router here to set up RIP :( - and of course I
can find any RIP implementation for the ipad to allow it to read the
laptops RIP routing updates :(



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