On 12/25/11 14:27, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 11:08 AM, CJoeB <colleen.bea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Happy Holidays, Everyone,
>> To lead into the problem I am experiencing, I will let you know about an
>> issue I've been having with my desktop (writing this from my laptop).
>> Every once in a while, when the screensaver kicks in and then, the
>> monitor goes on power save mode (something inherent to the monitor), the
>> screen locks (I have not set it to do this) and the only way, I can get
>> the computer going again is to reboot it by holding down the power
>> button.  This is annoying, but has not caused an issue until today.
>> Today, I was doing a world update and the screen locked - I still had my
>> KDE desktop up, but couldn't open a window to kill any processes or
>> anything.  So, I held the power button to cause a reboot.  The computer
>> booted okay and gave me my login screen, but neither the keyboard nor
>> the mouse work.
>> Any ideas?
>> Regards,
>> Colleen
>> --
>> Registered Linux User #411143 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org
> I got burned by this one also. re-emerge all the xf86 module stuff for
> your keyboard, etc. I've got it all in my module-rebuild -C rebuild
> list. Once you do that you'll likely be OK.
> You''ll either want to ssh in to do this or you might want to reboot,
> modifying your boot kernel line adding gentoo=nox to not start X at
> all, re-emerge and then start X to test.

I haven't completely done this, but I did enter the 'gentoo=nox' to my
kernel line and I got the command prompt.  Thank you SO much for this! 
You may not know it, but Santa just gave me another present!  :-)




Registered Linux User #411143 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org

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