... or what the unbelievable lack of maturity of KDEPIM devs has landed us in:

I have upgraded KDE on my old laptop to see what gives.  Surprisingly, it was 
not *too* bad; i.e. my old emails were not corrupted, deleted or otherwise 

However, the following are things that didn't really work as a rational human 
being would expect with a PIM setup, let alone anyone who's running this in a 
production environment with loads of users!

The auto-migration did not work.  It only worked partially for some mail 
account settings, but did not leave behind a workable system, with half the 
account settings missing.

The kmail-migrator --interactive also did not work.

I had to change the location pointing to the local mail folders - I keep mine 
under ~/Mail.  Then after pressing F5 on each folder akonadi scanned the 
respective mail directory and my stored messages showed up!  :-)

Partial success here, however, because the Sent mail subfolders were not 
imported, linked to or showed up.  I keep my sent mail in separate subfolders 
according to the account that I sent messages from and they are stored there 
using kmails filters.

Trying to manually import ~/Mail/.sent-mail.directory/Sent-Gmail, etc. did not 
work no matter how many times I tried.

Eventually I set up a new local resource account (Settings/Accounts/Add) and 
pointed this to .sent-mail.directory.  It imported everything, but as a new 
top-level folder.  :-(

I tried a number of times to update these, but sqlite3 just hangs for some 
reason and neither completes the update, not does it complain (when launching 
kmail from a terminal).  I don't know if mysql would be more successful here.

The migration of the email account Settings was even less successful.  The 
settings for Sending transferred across, but the account settings for 
Receiving did not survive.  Well, let me be more precise here.  They did 
survive, as they were all still in the kmailrc file.  I checked this against a 
back up.  No matter, they didn't show up under accounts.

I resorted to recreating these from scratch using the kmail GUI and other than 
some changes on the GUI fields, the pop3 email accounts worked fine.  

The IMAP4 accounts were less of a success however.  I recreated them from 
scratch, but no messages showed up under Inbox.  Sent and Trash work fine.

Having ran out of time I was wondering if you came across such breakages and 
if so how did you fix them.

For now I have masked KDEPIM 4.7 on all of my remaining boxen.  This is too 
messy to have to fix more than once, if I can fix it at all that is!

The only thing that's keeping me from mutt is the zillion shortcut commands 
that I need to learn ... old dog/new tricks and all that.

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