On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:04:05 +0100
Jarry <mr.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> after upgrading glib today I noticed new message from
> revdep-rebuild:
> -----
> Not unmerging package dev-lang/python-2.7.2-r3 since there is no valid
> reason for Portage to unmerge currently used Python interpreter.
> -----
> And it removed nothing, despite of "Number removed:1" message.
> This is definitely something new, as I quickly compared it
> with another box where no such a message was printed.
> So my question is: can we finally switch to python3.1 and
> uninstall python2.7?


When it is *safe* to do so there will be all manner of news, blog and
list posts from the devs announcing that the time has come. This hasn't

I don't follow why you asked the question given the data to hand though.
Portage told you that revdep-rebuild listed python-2.7 as a candidate
for deletion, and portage refused to do it, quite correctly. 

Alan McKinnnon

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